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Translations for banks and financial firms

Our translations in the banking sector are targeted language solutions for financial firms

Traduzione-IN - Traduzioni settore bancario

Banking Translation Services

The financial shocks that have followed over the last decade have generated, on many fronts, new structures and balances, radically changing the way of carrying out business and managing resources and loans related to it. The banking sector, for one, has had to face new and numerous challenges, both in operational and regulatory terms, to adapt to the dynamics of economic reality, triggering the increasingly high translation needs of the banking and financial sector.

The main role of banks (whether they are of a consortium, cooperative credit, deposit, land, popular, public, private, regional or rural nature) is to finance the economy, providing customers with a guarantee of liquidity to support the growth and quality of products and services, so that they differ positively from the competition and meet the ratings required by investors.

Traduzioni settore bancario

Translation of financial market forecasts

to make profits which keeping risks under control

The financial industry invests heavily in research and analysis because the fact of having effective information advantages allows the quality of your investments to be increased and limits the risk of losses, even compared to the most volatile emerging markets. Correctly translating the data derived from forecasting approaches is a key factor in measuring one's talents and future results, keeping all the relevant indicative benchmarks under control.

Urgent and perfectly secure translation services for banks and investors

We provide translations carried out with the utmost rigor both in terms of quality (terminology) and in the management of confidential information and sensitive data. Our clients often require urgent financial translation services to be carried out within two hours of delivery of the texts, as responsiveness plays a key role in the effectiveness of any possible economic movement.

Traduzioni settore bancario
Traduzioni settore bancario

Translation of monthly financial comments

In a global macroeconomic scenario whose climate is permanently challenging, the expected tables for each quarter may have some elements that must be carefully scrutinized even on a monthly basis, to be able to predict the growth or decline from the beginning of each year. These fluctuations also occur in relation to open financial construction sites, such as Brexit which took a long time, the potential effects of which are still to be defined for investors. Translation-IN provides monthly translations of comments from financial companies that keep under control economic pointers such as the trend in bonds, allocation, geographical trends, equity exposure and expected interest rate dynamics.

Translations of statements and expectations

The translation of annual reports concern documents regarding the analysis and commentary of the salient phases of each financial year that has just ended which is dissected according to key factors such as the final results on stock indices, bond investments, the values recorded by equity indices, the performance of emerging countries, the bond market and the currency market and also the changes recorded by raw materials. After this full and varied section, it follows the capillary analysis of each quarter and then concludes with a chapter on expectations relating to the economic forecasts of the following year.

Traduzioni settore bancario
Traduzioni settore bancario

Interdisciplinary translations between finance and psychology

How are decisions made by financial players in conditions of uncertainty and risk? From these real and hypothetical scenarios emerges a science that integrates the results of psychological research directly into economic science, creating the basis for behavioral economics. Also in this interdisciplinary sector it is useful to be able to transmit, in every circumstance and with extreme clarity every message, up to the most underlying. Our multi skilled translators provide, even in these subtle situations, translation services that deal with systematic "emotional neutral" investment strategies to allow investors to avoid the typical mistakes of those who expose themselves excessively on the markets.

Translations in compliance with the rules in force in the banking sector

In the present day, regulatory constraints in the banking sector personify a major challenge that financial institutions must face serenely to remain firmly competitive. The Translation-IN agency supports its clients in these new activities, providing specialized translations that are consistent with the current rules and procedures, be they the rules of Basel III and the EMIR project (European Market Infrastructure Regulation), the international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS), the international AML standards on anti-money laundering, and also related to the protection of users and RRP plans (recovery and resolution plans - recovery and resolution plan) of financial institutions. Translation-IN provides financial staff with a proven knowledge of all these regulatory provisions by providing serious and detailed translations for the correct issuance and dissemination of these complex documents. Thanks to our linguistic consultancy, strategic decisions will be facilitated because they will be based on a precise flow of documents correctly translated according to the rules of global finance.

Traduzioni settore bancario