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Marketing communication translations

Translation services for marketing and corporate communication in the innovative digital environment

Marketing translations

Marketing translations:

relevant, persuasive and faithful to the original message

Marketing translations is an indispensable support for all those who intend to break into markets, whether they are new or already partially penetrated. Thanks to the wise linguistic declination of precise marketing strategies, a company can anticipate changes in market trends and meet the needs of its customers, both acquired and potential.

Marketing translations

Promoting mix-marketing

to inform and attract new leads

The purpose of marketing is to speed up the sales process. Our marketing translation services intervene directly in this strategy, to successfully localize brochures, newsletters, presentations, direct marketing campaigns, Google AdWords, business cases and other support material decisive for the performance of a business.

Translating marketing texts to engage customers

with an enhancing and convincing style

Use our marketing translations to enhance your products and services. Our marketing translators understand the quality of what you propose and transmit it wisely, aligning their elegant writing style with your target. Our marketing translators are always informed about the characteristics of your products and services, the reputation of your brand and the guarantees offered to your customers and leads.

Marketing translations
Marketing translations

Translating prices and spreading their competitiveness

Knowing how to communicate your tariff policy in an elegant and persuasive manner, understanding the functioning of your discounts, knowing your payment conditions, these are the essential elements to be able to provide useful and effective marketing translations, even when you touch the delicate subject of prices.

Translations with a linguistic register suitable for the world of professionals

We appropriately use the notions of distribution channels (points of sale, Internet, etc.) and logistics (stocks, warehouses, means of transport, etc.) to provide clear and incisive translations of marketing texts. The information relating to the logistical documentation (certificates, authorizations, technical balance sheets, attestations, etc.) to the assortment of products (labels, packaging, etc.) is translated with rigor and precision.

Marketing translations
Marketing translations

Translate your promotions and communicate them

ensuring the right connotations

Communication is an essential factor for any mix-marketing plan, and it is therefore essential for translations to be faithful to every nuance of the message. The elegant and effective prose of our translators who are experts in marketing is suitable for every advertising campaign, promotion, direct marketing and messages transmitted to the sales forces that deal with cross-border markets.

Our pool of linguists provides marketing translation services in the following contexts and textual supports:

  • Informative leaflets
  • Marketing studies
  • Advertising
  • Corporate Videos
  • Promotional messages
  • Marketing and sales force presentations
  • Audiovisual material for conventions
  • Press kits